On Sunday 3-7-2022, the vixens of BL beat Durham .
After 42ends scores were tied and an extra end was played resulting in a a win for BL and their next round is at Leamington in the semi final the furthest any of the current squad can remember.
Ann Hope received her badge award.
25th May 2022.
Angela Finn received her badge award.
25th May 2022.
Our County Administrator, Roy Rogers was awarded Honorary Life Membership at the recent BL AGM. The award is in recognition of over 20 years of invaluable service Roy has provided for the County.
David Lynch receives his Colts Badge from President David Bray
Market Overton
Bruce Acock receives his Colts Badge from President David Bray
Please contact Frank Barrett on Tel: 07887 638720, E: treasurer@bowlsleicestershire.com