Documents + Diaries

Current Documents
& Diaries

Men's Diary Dates 2025/2026

The Officer’s and members of the Management Committee will be expected to attend, all meetings. In addition, officers are also to attend Middleton Cup & Midland Counties matches, unless the Secretary has been previously advised.

Ladies Diary Dates 2025

The Officer’s and members of the Management Committee will be expected to attend all Management and Council meetings unless the Secretary has been advised in advance.

Miscellaneous helps for Clubs...

Standard Weeks Calendar for Match Secretaries
This Calendar helps new Match Secretaries ensure that a WEEK No based calendar is used for fixing Match Dates.  The Week based calendar takes out all the problems of day/date "jumps" when you try to use a Days of the Month system.
Ready Reckoner for Competitions
This Ready Reckoner helps to organise KNOCKOUT competitions by providing information on BYES for Prelim Rounds to ensure number balance through the remainder of the competitions.
Behaviour (Support of Fellow Bowlers)
Notes on what Bowls Leicestershire expects of bowlers throughout Leicestershire with regard to their behaviour towards fellow bowlers on the green, during any match, both competitive and "friendly".

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